Come Play Paintball in Hobart, Indiana!
Paintball - Ages 10+
Paintball is a fun, adrenaline filled game where teams eliminate the other team by shooting them with a paintball marker. At Blastcamp, our refs are trained to know a variety of different games that best suit the group’s skill level and field they’re on.
Does It Hurt To Get Hit By A Paintball?
The answer to this commonly asked question is. It can sting for a second if you get hit up close or you’re not using good paintballs that break on impact. At Blastcamp, we regulate how fast the markers shoot and we also have a 10ft minimum engagement distance. We work with our paint manufacturer to make a paintball specifically designed for our park.

Try Low Impact Paintball • Ages 8+
We also offer a “low Impact” version of paintball for private events. Low impact paintball still includes all the fun of standard paintball with the same great equipment. The difference is that the balls are a third of the size, and a third of the sting.
We always recommend that you wear a long sleeved shirt or sweatshirt, long pants and gloves.

Is Paintball Safe?
YES! Paintball has ranked among the safest outdoor sports for years in injuries requiring a doctor visit (Source: SGMA International). In addition, we’ve led the industry in safety with our very strict safety standards. So don’t be offended if our staff is strict about your mask or barrel cover. They’re doing what’s necessary to keep everyone safe!

Walk On Play Paintball
Walk on, or “open” play, consists of players that come to the field and do not have a private game. We make every attempt to match skill levels and ages evenly. Please keep in mind if you come with friends, there is a chance you may not be on the same team for walk on play.
Open play runs from 9am-4pm and players can come and go as they want. The games are rotated around all of our fields. The open play referee picks games suited to the group size and skill level.
Registration ends at 1pm for open play

Pro Shop
Our fully stocked Pro Shop carries a huge selection of paintball guns, gear, ammo, and accessories. Whether you’re new to paintball or a veteran player, we’ve got everything you need to play hard, have fun, and stay safe.

Team Practice
Tournament teams can come play on our turfed field on weekends, Our group of Blast Camp home teams are always looking for new teams and we offer a BYOP option.
Speedball Pricing
$55 Entry and a case
Additional cases $45
$25 BYOP

Blastcamp chooses to be a field paint only facility. We proudly shoot Empire paintballs custom made for our facility.
500 rounds…..$30*
2000 rounds…$75*
Smoke Grenades… 10*
* INCLUDES 7% Sales Tax

Optional Paintball Gear

The Officers Club at Blastcamp
The Best Deal In Paintball
- Free walk-on entry, rental (if needed), all day air
- 10 cases of field paint (2000 rounds per case) for $45 with tax
- Discounted event admission
- Memberships are $250 and only sold from Nov – April
- NEW “in year” renewal option available
- Year memberships are not transferable
- Card must be presented to receive discount

Discount Paintball Tickets / Paintball Groupon
- Paintball Tickets or GROUPONS are always welcome for walk on play (open play). we recommend looking at our events tab for blackout dates – Equipment is limited
- Every person redeeming a ticket must purchase a minimum of $30 in Field Paint
- The tickets are good for free entry, rental gear, and all day air (a savings of a $30).
- Paintball tickets cannot be used on event days.
- A reservation is not necessary however, groups of 6 or more are encouraged to call ahead.
- Paintball tickets or GROUPONS CANNOT be used for a private game.